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Presseausweis & Press Card:
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Journalists & Press photographer: enjoy the privileges
You will be amazed by all the special opportunities and options you will be able to take advantage of! The fact that press and media representatives frequently have it just a little easier in life has long ceased to be insider knowledge. After all, journalists do enjoy VIP treatment. They are indeed part of a group that loves to exude the aura of being a fasci-nating industry. If reporters pulls out a Press card, many companies will offer big discounts on products.

GNS Press
But that’s not all: Invitations, extra services, discounted cars. shopping vouchers - for many press representatives it is a given that they get to enjoy these privileges. Make sure you get your end of these bargains, as a Press card holder you will be part of this exclusive circle! In many countries it is much easier to go through passport control, immigration and customs with a Press card. It will also help you get accreditations. A rare opportunity: As a journalist, you work as a freelancer. You do not have to do journalistic work. Nonetheless you can enjoy benefits similar to those generally offered to full-time career press representatives.


As a result, you will be able to profit from the best of both worlds: Many event organizers, institutions, and corporations will facilitate the journalistic participation in programs if you are able to present your pass. If you are asked to name the media organization you are working for, you can respond honestly and tell everyone that you are a free-lance research journalist or that you are working for the European-News-Agency.

A permanent temptation: Semi private events
attending interesting trade shows with the press card, while travelling as a private individual. Or raiding the buffet during a festive celebration. The temptation to use the press card outside the work as a journalist appears to be great. Therefore, the presentation of a press card is not always sufficient for attending an event. Organisers increasingly request other proof. Some organisers only accredit previously known journalists. They hate to see poorly prepared journalists. Or media makers who are loath or unwilling to outline their editorial background or state who the client is. In particular freelance journalists should provide detailed information about which medium they are planning to use for the publication and about the scope of the intended publication.

 Besondere Privilegien nutzen: Beantragen Sie jetzt Ihre Zulassung als Journalist. Hier anmelden


ENA Reporters.de NewsPR.de Internationaler Pressepass.de Deutsche Wirtschaftszeitung

ImpressumAGB | Press cards
GNS PRESS - International Press Association
01 02 03 04
Press Card Neu: Fördergelder European News Agency PressePass.Com
PKW-Presseschild Geheimtipp Reporters.de EUCJ.Org
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