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International Press Pass and Press ID Card
  Application for membership: Print out here
The paradigm shifts in the media world can no longer be ignored: all you need to participate in the press and media world today is a PC, blog software and a camera and you’re ready to go in a day. The established professionals have to tackle this trend, given that occupations once exclusive to experts, such as journalist and reporter, are passing through a process of democratization. Are you working as a (moonlighting) journalist and interested in expanding your activities as a media creator? If so, the time has come to consider a G.N.S. membership. The organization comprises members who are media professionals, but also newcomers who are actively involved in the media and press indu- stry. Now secure the coveted press VIP status for yourself – legally! You will be amazed by the special opportunities and possibilities you will have at your command.
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Individuals who perform journalistic work sporadically or in addition to their day jobs frequently find that domestic professional associations are not open to them. The reason: sporadic activities are considered hobbies and press passes are not issued to leisure time journalists. Nonetheless, especially moonlighting journalists often prove to deliver work that is equivalent in quality, and sometimes even better than that of their colleagues who make media work a full-time career. As an inter- national organization, GNS supports people engaged in journalistic work (regardless of whether they work for the media full time or make it a sideline to another ca- reer). It has the authority to issue press passes. GNS offers the following services:
International press pass (IPC) Genuine press ID card included
Representative membership certificate Forgery proof version
Editorial office reference letter (English) Re-issued annually (IPC)
Passport & ID card in credit card format Barcode registration
Automotive press placard with press seal Suitable for worldwide use
Fast processing – no red tape Hologram with serial number
VIP neck strap (press) with security lock Tri-lingual version
You will receive all-inclusive services at a fraction of the costs you would incur with comparable providers. A one-time accreditation fee (membership) of EUR 127 plus an annual service fee of EUR 24. The press pass is re-issued every year.
 Online application: Only in english version!
  Go to online application - here - (available in German and English only)

 Membership accreditation:
127,00 EUR    
 one time fee  Membership fees /year:  27 EUR
 International Press Pass*:
0,00 EUR    
 Press ID-Card and certificate*:  0,00 Euro  
 Press sign for vehicles*:
0,00 EUR    
 Editorial office reference letter*:  0,00 Euro  
 Express processing:
27,00 EUR    
 72-hour service  *all inclusive

It is no longer a trade secret known only to insiders: people who work for the press often find life to be so much easier, given that they enjoy preferential treatment. After all, this group likes to surround itself with the aura of a fascinating industry. Often times, if a press pass is presented, many businesses get weak in the knees and offer substantial rebates to journalists and their co-horts. Yet that’s not all: invitations, sporting events, great trips are often complimentary, as are services. Price reductions on cars, shopping coupons, and gift certificates – press people have come to take such things for granted. Do not let these benefits get away from you, as a press pass holder (G.N.S. member) you will be part of this exclusive circle!

G.N.S. Press - International Press Documents. Included:
 International Press Card

• International Press Card
• Genuine press ID card
• Automotive press placard with press seal
• Representative membership certificate
• Editorial office reference letter (English)
• VIP neck strap (press) with security lock
 International Press ID-Card

 International press sign for vehicles
1. What is the purpose of having a press pass and what are the benefits?

A press pass legitimizes the holder as an official representative or agent of the press. Having a press pass facilitates the performance of journalistic assignments. For instance, if you do documentary work, you will often need to get access to certain events or locations that are taboo for others. A press pass makes this kind of work easier, given that it supports the holder in asserting his or her right to information. Moreover, many companies give members of the press attractive discounts available only to journalists. When you’re buying a car or book your next flight, your press pass can quickly translate into cash money. However, a press pass is not necessarily your free ticket to all events, even if you can frequently get complimentary passes to (industry) tradeshows. G.N.S members also have the option to publish their own articles or pictures and open their dedicate press department via G.N.S. subsidiary European News Agency (ENA).

2. To whom are press passes issued and what are the prerequisites?
Individuals, who perform journalistic work (part time, as full-time professionals or as a sideline) are eligible to be issued such a passport document. You are not required to present evidence of the type and scope of the work you do to G.N.S. Press, however, if justified doubts as to your journalistic work should arise, proof will be demanded. It does not make any difference in which country you are domiciled. G.N.S. welcomes media creators from all over the world, as long as they do journalistic work. No one is excluded: if you do journalistic work as a sideline, you are eligible to become a member, regardless what your area of expertise may be.

3. Who issues the press pass and how long will it remain in effect?

The internationally accepted press pass (IPC – International Press Card) is issued by journalist and press organization G.N.S. Press Association. The organization was established in 1991 and has more than 8,000 members in 30 countries around the globe. G.N.S. Press is the ideal alternative for individuals who do journalistic work as a sideline, such as reporters, press photographers, media creators and PR staff (even people holding honorary functions). The press and journalists‘ pass is always valid for the calendar year printed on the front of the card and is re-issued each year. The re-issue cost is included in the annual service fee (EUR 24).

Go to online application - here - (available in German and English only)
About G.N.S. Press (General News Service)
G.N.S. Press is an dynamic journalist organization and is a part of an international professional and freelance journalist network. G.N.S. is an organization dedicated to advancing the professional development and advancement for journalists working in all areas of press, television, photography, radio, world wide web (new media) and related disciplines. Hint: Visit one of the G.N.S. media projects, for example the ENA press and news portal at: European-News-Agency or GNS Press or Press4Press
G.N.S. supports professional and freelance journalists worldwide by promoting equal opportunities, encouraging professional development and serving as an information network. G.N.S. is also an independent photo & press agency operating worldwide but is not involved in pay negotiations and it acts as a representative in the interest of any person who does not work as a full-time journalist.
G.N.S. is an officially registered press association (ID P02000 133258/Department of State FL). Core business: research and publication of news, reports, features and press photos. G.N.S. Press supports part time journalists and has been awarded full member status (Associate Membership) by the world’s largest press association, the NAA. G.N.S. has also been accredited by the European Chamber of Journalists, by which it was awarded the status of an Authorized Member (Member ID EU 21123-7).
 Online application: Only in english version!

Instantly available for worldwide use: the International Press Pass (IPC). Institutions, event organizers and businesses grant benefits, some of which are substantial or make your journalistic work easier when you present an international press pass. As a journalist, you are a freelancer. You are under no obligation to do journalistic work. However, you can receive advantages that are similar to those career press representatives generally enjoy. Consequently, we will seize the best benefits of both worlds! Whenever someone asks you whether you work for the media or who you are working for, you can tell them the truth – you are a freelance research journalist for the European News Agency.
Application for membership: Print out here  Or go to online application - here - (available in German and English only). # Please note: payments via credit card cannot be accepted. Exception: if you have a Paypal account you can pay PayPal via credit card. Payments by american express (traveller) checks or that type of payment are possible.

| Strategic partners:
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 G.N.S. Memberships:
 • Member of EUCJ (European Chamber of Journalists)
 • Member of the LA Pressclub
 • Representation Office of the ENA-Agency
 • Fördermitglied der Society of Professional Journalists
 • Member of Experts for Europe
 • Promoting Member EPF (Press Federation)
 • Newspaper Association of America (NAA)
European Chamber of Journalists


ENA Reporters.de NewsPR.de Internationaler Pressepass.de Deutsche Wirtschaftszeitung

ImpressumAGB | Press cards
GNS PRESS - International Press Association
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Press Card Neu: Fördergelder European News Agency PressePass.Com
PKW-Presseschild Geheimtipp Reporters.de EUCJ.Org
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