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Press card for part-time journalists
The international press card (IPC) is manufactured forgery-proof in highly bank card format. The key characteristics include a hologram, a horizontal colour gradient and a serial ident number. The special printing technique makes the card look very valuable, similar to a high-quality credit card. All press documents are officially registered and encoded. The current date indicates the year of validity.

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Start your journalistic career (including part-time) and get the original GNS press card hassle-free. As an independent association with respect to politics, publicism, unions and finances, GNS Press is a strong partner who is supporting and promoting part-time journalists.

GNS Press
The 3 most important questions about the new press card
1. Who gets and needs a press card? Anyone working as a journalist (be it full- or part-time) is entitled to the document. A press card identifies the bearer as a representative of the press, thus making work as a journalist easier (e.g. for information purposes, attendance of press conferences or researching organisations or authorities).

2. Who is issuing the press card? The international GNS press card is issued by the international Journalist Federation GNS Press Association and can be used all over the world – in particular also in Europe or in crisis area.

3. How long is the press card valid for? The press card is valid for the specified calendar year and is issued in bank card format. If desired, a new press card for the next year will be issued before the expiration date.

You will love these advantages
• Fair pricing: one-time charge plus low service fee. No monthly fees.
• No disclosure of income or issued invoices required.
• Say good bye to red tape and patronising: hassle-free, transparent and quick processing.

GNS Press: Europe‘s leading agency for part-time journalists
To stand out from the crowd, some associations have taken up full-time employment as a journalist as criterion. But this criterion goes past the reality of organised journalism: the less common full-time work as a journalist is in the practice, the more we leech onto it. Many former full-time journalists whose editorial offices were closed for cost considerations are now working as freelancers at their own risk. Nevertheless, these journalists are often unable to provide proof of full-time work, in spite of working 12-hour days! The solution: GNS Press also welcomes part-time journalists.

Press card issued by GNS Press
its special advantages. What good is a press card issued in Germany if you are working far away from home? Many companies, event organisers and institutions domiciled abroad are granting a variety of discounts or make journalistic work easier if you present an international press card. It is virtually ideal for part-time journalists, whether their domicile is in Germany or in any other country. Other special features: no compulsory membership required. No exclusion of part-time representatives of the press or those working only occasionally. No expensive annual fees. The press sign for your car is included in the accreditation.

 Request your admission as journalist now: register here and use the special privileges.  


ENA Reporters.de NewsPR.de Internationaler Pressepass.de Deutsche Wirtschaftszeitung

ImpressumAGB | Press cards
GNS PRESS - International Press Association
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Press Card Neu: Fördergelder European News Agency PressePass.Com
PKW-Presseschild Geheimtipp Reporters.de EUCJ.Org
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