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Parking helper: the press sign for the car

Even critical journalists confirm with the hand over their mouth: free parking in a no parking zone is the rule rather than the exception and so the press sign is used permanently. Only few journalists can resist by-passing the no parking zone by means of the press sign. This way, several hundred Euro can be saved quickly. And the journalistic work is much easier.

The Press card ID-Card Press sign Legitimation Accreditation Certificate

PKW Presseschild
GNS Press

And it is no wonder that many press signs are secretly traded for hefty amounts of money. The press sign for the car alone is worth the registration. Hint: good-bye parking ticket – with an official permit: for information - see here -

Press sign for cars, not tied to any license plate. Cost: 0.00 Euro
• Forgery-proof / one of a kind
• Registered ID number
• Included valid press mark
• Original seal of press
• Fair: no extra cost
• Multilingual design
• Scan-Codierung included
• Sealed hard laminate
• Size: 21 x 15 cm

  Order the GNS membership and take advantage of special privileges: for smart professionals

ENA Reporters.de NewsPR.de Internationaler Pressepass.de Deutsche Wirtschaftszeitung

ImpressumAGB | Press cards
GNS PRESS - International Press Association
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Press Card Neu: Fördergelder European News Agency PressePass.Com
PKW-Presseschild Geheimtipp Reporters.de EUCJ.Org
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