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International Press Card 2025 | Reporter-/Journalist Card
Be it media events, premieres, research, events, press conference, professional activities or dates abroad: the international press card (IPC) opens many doors to journalists, media workers and press photographers. You will receive all press documents (all inclusive) for just 127 Euro and include the following services: Press Card, ID-Card, Press sign (car), Legitimation, Certificate and much more.

The Press card ID-Card Press sign Legitimation Accreditation Certificate

International Press Card

International Press Card
GNS Press

Included: International Press Card (IPC) Yes Personalised proof of editorship
Registered press ID card Yes Separate login (agent area)
Authorised accreditation document Yes Forgery-proof press sign for the car
Included: eBook »Secret tip: press agent« Yes GNS Press lanyard (VIP edition)
Free guidebook: »23’000 Euro aid money« Yes Inclusive digital Press Card

127.00 Euro one-time fee. 36.00 Euro per year (in the year of registration or pro rata).
Includes the annual reissue.
• Multilingual design
• Forgery-proof / one of a kind
• Registered ID number
• Features original press hologram
• Bank card format
• Limited edition: 500 every year
• Includes press ID card
• Digital Press Card inclusive
• Follow yearly fee: 41.00 Euro

Some questions and anwers
• Can I become a press card even if I am a non-EU national? Yes, of course.
• Can I pay online? Yes, by PayPal or bank transfer.
• How long does it take for application to be processed? Ono to two days.

  Press card, ID card and press sign for the car: request them here and secure your privileges.

ENA Reporters.de NewsPR.de Internationaler Pressepass.de Deutsche Wirtschaftszeitung

ImpressumAGB | Press cards
GNS PRESS - International Press Association
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Press Card Neu: Fördergelder European News Agency PressePass.Com
PKW-Presseschild Geheimtipp Reporters.de EUCJ.Org
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